Can you help make Christmas
extra special this year?

We launched our #givingback initiative in 2019 to thank Norfolk for supporting us. Our aim is to spread love and support throughout our amazing county. When we launched this project our aim was to bring local lonely people together during the festive season with a free meal and gifts.
Every year since we have committed to hosting a special event to support lonely elderly people in Norwich that are supported to Age UK.
We want to show people we are thinking of them and they are not alone!
We hope this initiative will grow and that other restaurants and local business owners will join us to make Norfolk even more special! We are here to support you with a focus on community projects to help prevent loneliness.
Jorge, Owner & Manager, Jorge's Restaurant
What are we doing this year?
Event Date: Monday 13th December 2021
Time: 1pm - 4:30pm
For many people, the last year has been a terrifying and isolating few years. Many people across Norwich have found themselves struggling to stay well and warm, now imagine how scary that must be without any family to support you? Sadly there are many elderly people across Norfolk that have little to no social interaction. Whilst we realise our annual event won't change the world, it is an opportunity for elderly people in Norwich to get together, hopefully, make some new friends and get totally spoilt!
Check out the schedule!
1:00 - 1:30pm: Guest Arrival - Selection of Codfish cakes, cold meats & bread served on the table
1:45pm - 3:00pm: Mains served: Roast Turkey & Beef, Roast Potatoes & Veggies
(Red & White Wine, Beer & Waters available throughout)
3:00 - 4:15pm: Move across to Go Bifanas & The Yard Coffee for games, a relaxed Dessert with Cakes, Tea, coffee & Port wine
4:15pm: Delivery of cards & presents
4:30pm: Guests collected by Norwich Door to Door
To keep guests safe throughout all staff attending must wear a mask & complete a lateral flow test before attending.
We need your help - Can you purchase a gift for an elderly person this Christmas?
Can you support us by purchasing a gift for an elderly person in Norwich this Christmas? Age UK have chosen some beautiful puzzles & calendars made by local photographer Paul Macro to pop into every gift bag. Here is how you can purchase one this year:
If you can't support the event by purchasing a gift then please share this page and our social media posts to help spread the word!
Thank you for your support, if you have any questions or can help please call Eleanor on 0780 644 1856.
Jorge & Eleanor
#givingback #givingbacktothelocalcommunity

More About Age UK
Age UK Norwich are dedicated to making this city a great place to grow old. For 75 years they have promoted the needs of older people, their families and carers by offering essential support and services.
They tackle poverty and hardship, provide respite care and reduce loneliness which, doctors tell us, can be as harmful to life expectancy as smoking fifteen cigarettes a day.
Although Norwich was voted the UK’s happiest place to work, it was also voted one of the loneliest, especially for older people. The Age UK outreach services help to combat this loneliness by providing company and someone to talk to through our befriending programme, and facilitating clubs and groups to help keep older people active and socialising.
They also offer vital information services with a team of trained welfare advisors giving expert, friendly advice from money and legal matters to household bills and health issues. And, their Marion Day Care Dementia Centre provides much needed support and respite for carers.
Age UK already reach over 30% of the local population aged 50 and over but with the continuing growth of the aging population, around 7,000 people in Norwich living below the poverty line and one in ten telling their GP they are lonely, our work and the services we provide are still needed more than ever.

I'm in, show me where to purchase gifts for an elderly person this Christmas!
£10 for a Norwich/Norfolk Calender
£20 for a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle
You can send your payment via PayPal to jorge@jorgesrestaurant.co.uk
(This PayPal account is only used for this giving back event)
Please purchase your gift by Saturday 11th September
Read about our 2019 #givingback event with Age UK.
On the 16th December 2019 we provided a free 3 course Christmas meal for 24 guests who suffer with loneliness around the festive period.
The event was free to attend and included gift hampers from Tesco, decorations from John Lewis, tickets from the Theatre Royal, a visit from Viva Voce Choir who dazzled us with Christmas carols, and adorable cards handmade and delivered by Falcon Junior School. This was a real community event with everybody involved volunteering their time and services including our staff who kindly offered their time to run this event with us! -- it was truly a testament to the giving nature of Norwich and our neighbourly spirit.
Next year we want to go even bigger and expand this concept to multiple restaurants and charities. As a community, we can make this a Norwich-wide event that truly focuses on the giving aspect of Christmas time. Let’s give back to those in need of extra care around the festive season.
Over 20 suppliers gave their time for free, helped on the day, gifted the food or present to make this event possible. If we all work together and give something small, together those small things add up to make a truly amazing event!
We need to support each other right now. Our Giving back event had a really positive impact for guests that attended last year. Read about our 2019 event, view the photos & video below!
Photos of our Giving Back event 2019
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Jorge’s Charity Event
Christmas is a time celebrated by many and creates lots of happy memories however we understand that some people dread it, they feel alone and depressed. On the 16th December 2019 we put on a free 3 course Christmas lunch for 24 people that were selected by our chosen charity Age UK.
BACKGROUND… it all started back in Portugal
We relocated from Portugal almost 3 years ago; back to Norwich (Eleanor's home city). In Portugal we started a program through our photography company (Santos Photography) – called #givingbacktothelocalcommunity. The aim was to provide help, teaching programs and free incentives & events. Together with the support of other local companies we put on a series of events that enhanced & offered experiences that would not usually be possible for citizens of the local community.
Whilst we realise these events won't change the world we are certain they do bring joy and love to those that participate. Sometimes just knowing that someone cares and is prepared to offer what they can is enough to make someone's day or week.
After our 1st Birthday bonanza in November 2019 we thought it was time to launch Jorge’s Restaurants first #givingback event for our chosen charity Age UK. We are so excited to have launched our first #givingback event in Norfolk and in December 2020 we are looking forward to our 2nd!

We are absolutely delighted with the positive and kind responses we have received from the local community to help support this event! Thank you to everyone who has supported this event and helped to make it a success!
Santo Photography
Thank you for photographing the events
Santos Photography specialise in commercial photography and Corporate Events. We are different to most photographers as we really want to understand your brand, company values and who your target market is. Next, we will create an image content plan that will enhance your marketing strategy and help you smash your sales targets! We can completely overhaul your image content or work with you over a period of time to create content for your social media, blog posts and website! Our clients include Harley Davidson, Porsche, TCC, Four Seasons, Conrad Hotels, Sheraton Hotels, Morston Hall and many more!
www.santosphotography.co.uk | 0780 644 1856 | Facebook: @photosbysantos
Thank you for helping us with the event logistics & receiving all gifts for both charities, it was a huge task and we are so grateful for your help and support.
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Norwich Door to Door
Thank you for distributing the Age UK gifts. We are so greatful for your support for the 2nd year running. Your logistical help makes everything run smootly.
Norwich Door to Door offers fully accessible mobility bus transportation with affordable fares, for independence, equality, safety and security to the Greater Norwich area. Their mission is to enable social inclusion and enhance quality of life for people with severe mobility problems on low income in Norwich and districts through transport. We are very grateful to Norwich Door to Door who are sponsoring transport to and from our event
https://norwichdoortodoor.org.uk/ | 01603 776735 | Facebook: @norwichdoortodoor
Sparhawk Infant School
Thank you to Sparhawk Infant School for making beautiful Christmas Cards.
At Sparhawk we offer a caring environment and aim to give your child the very best start to their education. We believe it is the early years of a child’s education that lay the foundations for life. We are a dedicated team- staff, governors, parents and families; united together to strive for best in everything we do!
Falcon Junior School
Thank you to Falcon Junior school to making beautiful Christmas cards.
Falcon Junior caters for children from age 7 to 11 and is north of the historic city of Norwich. We are a happy, thriving and successful school with strong links with the local community. The life of our school is driven by a desire for academic achievement, combined with a nurturing ethos, that ensures every child is valued no matter what their starting point or background.
We want to give our children an exciting curriculum that makes learning irresistible, therefore developing a love of learning that will continue with them throughout their future school experiences and lives. An essential ingredient for this to happen is teamwork. We view education as a joint venture, involving everyone: children, parents/carers, staff, Governors and the wider community.
http://www.falcon.norfolk.sch.uk/ | 01603 441417

If you are able to contribute to this event please contact Eleanor
0780 644 1856

This is the first of our #givingback events in Norfolk. We hope that next year
other restaurants will join us and together we can create a big
annual event helping many local charities.
Wan't to participate next year?
0780 644 1856
TEL: 01603 764441 MOB: 07375 037479
2-3 Orford Yard, Red Lion St, Norwich, NR1 3TB
Jorge’s is a modern Portuguese restaurant tucked away in Orford Yard, just off Red Lion Street in Norwich. Find us opposite Debenhams, to the left of John Oliver’s hairdressers and Barclays Bank.
If you want to make a booking for more than 6 people please contact
Jorge direct by phone or Email
Our On-line booking system is NOT available
to book a table for today after 11:30am
To check availability for today please ring Jorge
on 01603 764441 MOB: 07375 037479.